
Carl Friedrich Gauss, one of the greatest mathematicians ever, would say that Mathematics is the Queen of all Sciences (Die Mathematik ist die Königin der Wissenschaften). Vice-principal Cichoszewski, M.Sc., our chief mathematician, knows it well enough and together with another math teacher, Ms. Magdalena Kulczycka, M.Sc. has organized a mathematical competition for students of the Gedanensis Primary School, called The Scholastic Math League.

To make a long story short, we solve various math problems at home on a monthly basis, and then at the end of the school year we have a Final Test focusing on the problems selected from the whole set we have done throughout the year. 

Here I am presenting some interesting problems from the Scholastic Math League competition (translated into English). I did not bother, however, to translate all of the solutions as I totally agree with Niels Bohr who once said that mathematics is the universal language of science. I am pretty sure you will easily figure it out and enjoy laughing. Have fun! cool